I can still recall the first steps of my journey; A journey that I know the Lord has destined for me. It was in the year 2000, in the month of May when my sister urged me to go and attend a youth camp she was going to serve in. And from that day, I re-discovered my new love for the Lord and realized that He has bigger plans for my life.

Being part of this community was not just an opportunity for me but a precious gift. It had brought me a new sense of happiness. I would always look forward to assemblies and serving in camps. It has been my new source of energy. My time in serving in YFC made me desire more of this life of service. It was as if God was leading me to a path different from what I have planned for myself, a life of doing mission work.
When I told my parents about these desires, they asked me to first expose myself in things that would help my professional growth through working in private companies, so I can also carefully discern about what I really wanted for my life. And with that, I heeded to their request and applied for a job even with a heavy heart. Surprisingly, I have enjoyed and loved my job. I was earning enough to support myself and have learned so many things from it. But as much as I love my job and the security it had provided me, my greatest joy and fulfillment was when I was serving the community. It has given me a sense of purpose. So after a year, and with much prayer and discernment, I resigned from my job and became a fulltime missionary.
My decision to choose this life was my way of giving thanks to the Lord for giving me a life filled with awe. Though it was never an easy path, God never ceased to affirm me every single day. As if He whispers, “Don’t worry, I got you!” Surely, I do trust God when He tells me that He is always present. May it be in the times of crisis or in the times of blessings. Indeed, everything comes from Him. To be in a place that I have never thought I can reach and meet new people, I consider all these as life’s greatest rewards.

It is true that when the Lord calls, He also provides. And saying yes to God in this mission has given me enormous blessings far beyond what I deserve. Like our Blessed Mother Mary, nothing can be lovelier that to share an overflowing gift of love. I will be forever be thankful to God for bringing me this grace, for allowing me to be a living testimony of His greatness. His promise of providence and mercy makes me feel confident to continue the mission. His immense grace and love embrace me and motivates me every day to serve Him more.