In its continued pursuit to move the mission forward with excellence, the YFC Manila Team held its very first online Overall Sector Couple Coordinators’ Training last May 21, 26, June 5 and 9, 2020.
Overall Sector Couple Coordinators (OSCC) play a vital role in the mission of Metro Manila. They are the ones who ensure that the pastoral and technical growth of YFC and YFC Couple Coordinators in their area are being prioritized. Manila, being the heart of the mission continues to step up and shouts its battlecry “One Manila Lupet” and “the mission continues” amidst these trying times in the Pandemic. The OSCC training was formulated in response to the call to be equipped in their greater responsibility as top leaders of the YFC ministry’s mission. The mission and vision of the ministry pose a great need to equip, empower and build the capacity of OSCC’s in performing their duties and responsibilities more effectively.

It is in this light that the Holy Spirit led the team to these topics: Culture of the Spirit, Implementing and Championing YFC Directions in the Area, Being Community Virtually, and The Servant Leader. A roster of inspiring and credible speakers gave these sessions and workshops. Kuya Lawrence Quintero, the International Family Ministries Coordinator, Tito Edric Tomboc the Family Ministries Head of Metro Manila South A, Kuya Ruel Aguirre, Head of the Couples for Christ Institute, and Tito Mike Bukuhan, Metro Manila Mission Head, gave the talks respectively.
In the last session of the training, the fulltime pastoral workers and youth leaders of each sector expressed their gratitude and gave a short honoring message to our dear tito’s and tita’s.
We now live in a very critical transition period in our lives given what we now call the new normal and our continuous combat to put an end in the pandemic. Our YFC Couple Coordinators serve as one of our frontliners in this mission as we continue to rise above our realities and move forward with fervor. With grateful hearts to our Couple Coordinators, let us be one in continuing what God called us to do – be and bring Christ wherever we are!