The call will always be personal. It is a loud whisper to you from God. It is an invitation of faithfulness and greatness. It is a sweet conversation between you and your Lover. It is a constant pursuit. It is saying yes to the One who faithfully pursues you all throughout your life. It is saying yes to an exceptional and extraordinary life with the Lord. And this is our love story…
Growing up in a Catholic family helps me to appreciate and embrace my faith more. I was 2 years old back then when my parents joined the Couples for Christ community. I experienced the fullness of life with my family through CFC. In an early age, I attended prayer meetings, assemblies and conferences that made me fall in love with the Lord more. I knew that time that this is a life like no other and I want more of Him through becoming His full-time missionary.
I graduated with a degree in Economics, and after my graduation I asked permission from my parents to become a missionary. It was not easy at first because they had different plans for me, but my Dad reaffirmed me with my calling to fulfill God’s desires first before fulfilling my personal desires. My prayer life was intensified then, the calling had been so personal through my prayers, through the Scriptures and through the people around me. I knew that time that this may be my hardest yes to my Lover, yet the sweetest one. It was not a yes to sacrifices, but a yes to greatness.

For 8 years now, I’ve been to places I thought I would never go to. I’ve met different families in my mission areas and encountered God’s goodness through them. I’ve witnessed transformation of many people, reconciliation between families, healing of relationships and fulfillment of His promise to every person. On those moments, I believe that it is God, who loves us most, wants us to experience the fullness of life with Him.
Living a life with the Lord is an everyday self-denial of my own desires, it is still a constant surrender and a trusting obedience to His will. And the Lord, my Lover has been ever faithful to me. His promise years ago is the same promise He fulfills right now. He is the same God who called me, He is the same God who pursued me and He is the same God I’ve said yes to.
His constant pursuit is taking us to the next level of our relationship – it may be deeper and more challenging, but I know His grace will be my sustenance. His strength will be my shield. His great love will be my shining light. The calling is still clear and loud. It is still a love story that continues to unfold and ready to be told.