Our lives were just like the different flowers in the garden. It blooms perfectly depending on the time it was planted, the kind of soil being used, the right timing of watering it, and the right ray of sunshine given or simply the way it was been taken care of.
Have you ever asked yourself?
“Why do I always get to bloom late in life?”
“Why do my friends or classmates or co-workers are now settled or more blessed? Having a nice work place or employer?”
“Why do they earn more when you have the same work?”
“Why do they have a nice car, a good family, or even graduating with flying colors, got their licenses and working to a good company?”
Simply you would ask yourself “Why do I get less or why do I am always late in receiving blessings? Does God love me less?” I always asked myself with those questions. I feel that I am always stuck on something and it is so slow of moving in progress. I always wait patiently and sometimes I am not patient anymore. I get jealous and angry or maybe I am immune to the fact that my life’s progress is always late. Sometimes I cannot fathom of what is God’s true plans for me. I even doubted if there is a perfect timing or time of His will in my life. It even led me to be a doubter of my decision-making capabilities, I thought of myself not capable of discerning or deciding because I always end up doing what others decided or planned for me. It came to a point of losing hope in achieving my dreams and end up going with the flow of the world one day at a time whether the result is good or bad, since it is always a slow progress for me.
I dream of taking good care of people and saving lives wearing a white uniform, so I took a medical course but sadly, I was delayed for years just finishing a 4 year course and took another year of being delayed in getting my license. My classmates were at their prime as a nurse while I am still learning and reviewing. I was redirected to another path, my dream of being an angel in the sick room turned out to be an angel in a bigger sick room where I meet various people with different stories. I am not just charting an eight hour monitoring sheet of 50 patients in a ward but 24/7 monitoring of more than 50 people of a province. I am thinking and planning of a care plan not only to the sick but also to the well. Not just a toxic watcher or SO (significant others) to listen to but more than what you expected that requires a patient heart and ears. The perfect timing of a medication that needs to be familiarized. As well as learning how to adjust when the medication for the wounded soul doesn’t work.
All were changed or redirected, maybe some does not understand why I chose a path less travelled. All I can think about is that I am blooming to the perfect time in a garden. Answering another call from Him allowed me to ponder and realize the similarity of being an angel in the sick room and an angel in a bigger sick room of the world.
Firstly, care to everyone because it is a requirement of FAITH. I am taking good care of my brethren not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually, not just by an assigned ward or room but even going beyond their houses and lives to know them and journey with them. Creation reveals the nature of God – Romans 1:20.
Secondly, God apt us like a vestment for we must be clothed with His son Jesus Christ. I am not just wearing a white uniform for a several hours or shift a day, but wearing it 24/7 where white uniform signifies putting everything you have into caring for others or it means wearing the white robe of Jesus of being faithful, prayerful and obedient and readiness to serve in always and all ways.
And lastly, make a difference. In the end, we make a difference out of the privilege that was given to us, a privilege to bloom beautifully and give the best scent of hope from God to every person, even to the point of hopelessness.