Our lives were just like the different flowers in the garden. It blooms perfectly depending on the time it was planted, the kind of soil

Into the Unknown
Five years and a half in college was a long time. I was young and eager to go out into the world. I was ready

ABOVE and BEYOND: First Ever Campus Tour Online Reaches 10,000
The new mission landscape may be most difficult for the ministry’s school-based program since it has always been linked as the ministry’s mission presence within

The call will always be personal. It is a loud whisper to you from God. It is an invitation of faithfulness and greatness. It is

Metro Manila Area 1 Sets Sail on Mission Breakthroughs
To a team that constantly soars high and dreams big for the mission, the sudden turnaround of this pandemic may be a hard hit and

There is no such thing as coincidence when God calls you, sure yun! Ang tanong ay kung ready kana ba sumagot sa tawag Niya? This

Saved to Save
“Di mo naman kailangan intindihin lahat, kailangan mo lang maniwala.” These were the very words whispered to me by God. Back in high school, I

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
100% free as an advocacy that aims to enable young people to discover their original design and purpose – an identity anchored on human dignity,

I joined Youth for Christ when I was still in high school way back 2005. The reason was very simple, I was invited by my

Manila Equips its Mission Frontliners
In its continued pursuit to move the mission forward with excellence, the YFC Manila Team held its very first online Overall Sector Couple Coordinators’ Training

Calling of Stories
I don’t really remember when exactly I joined the community. It was just that my parents are both in the community, serving the Lord. When

Business of loving people: A Desire turned into Calling
I grew up in a loving home with my family. My sisters and I were raised to be family-oriented and God-fearing by our parents, who